

  • I also have all of these social issues! Although I don't count hating to go shopping as an issue. You know it's the ones who like it that have a problem lol. In fact my husband gets me thouroughly drunk before company dinners just so I'll eat and talk to people. Wierd huh!
  • That's hilarious!
  • Great information thank you for the help! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hello I just signed up 2 days ago. Seems to be going pretty good I am loving the tools available on this site. My cousin jaiedyie signed up yesterday and also has a sedentary job and very bad wrists. She would probably love to give you some pointers on what she does so go ahead and friend her! Created by MyFitnessPal.com -…
  • I am also wondering what activity level would best describe me. What exactly does lightly active mean? I am a house wife with older kids. I don't sit around all day but I am not out running marathons lol. I was also wondering if choosing that activity level takes into account daily chores and meal preperation. I live on a…