

  • My "Good Friend" Weight & Blood sugar's have NOT been nice to Me lately--- Both have been total out of control No matter what I do---That is the biggest reason I have NOT recorder any food or wrote lately--- Seemed like such a Failure that I just could NOT stand to face or write to any one---Still feel that way but got a…
  • SherryRH--- Look's like a find Marine standing beside You--- We are Also a Marine Family!!-- Son got out in '11 just after The Towel's fell & Penagone{sp} was Hit-- I'm not for sure what is going On with My Diabetes right now, just know it is not good!!--- Usually when Spring arrives I can lose the wgt. I put on during the…
  • Evening to All-- Missed the last couple of Days--- Upset cause Blood Sugars were Hi again--- Seems that No Matter what I do, it just makes No difference--- Carbs. can be right along with Cal. intake, wgt & Blood Sugars do the same thing, go up!!!--- Sorry to complain but it is upsetting--- Know matter how much work I do,…
  • Good evening Again--- So tired-- Cleaned Church today for 3hr's--- Ped. said I walked 4.73 miles-- Had People over for Taco that they brought--- Know for sure BG will be up in AM--- For just once I would like to see a drop in BG & weight-- would be nice but if I don't will keep working & excersie-- Thanks for all the…
  • Good evening-- Just finished recording food & excerise for today @ "Y" for almost 60 min's-- then walking 2.39 miles & steamed cleaned carpet for 40 min's--- Almost made myself sick by not eating enough--- Ended up with over 1400 cal's before excerise-- With stress from my Daughter & Wife while cleaning Carpet--- Just kept…
  • Hi- I'm Rodney- Been fighting Type 2 since '86--- Now I'm 61 over weigh trying to lose but so far NO luck-- Taking Metformin 2x & Actos in AM + Cholestol drugs --- So tired of the fight & trying to lose weigh--- Wife was in Hospital earlier this week for back operation & my sugars just went up & wild--- only up to 210 but…
  • Glad You have at least lost 5#--- I exercise almost every day for at least 30- 60 min's & I do nothing but either gain or loss a pound--- Under some stress right now!!1--- Blood Sugar's are up also-- was down to 120 - 130 but this AM up to 180 & have been up to 230 this past week--- Talk about frustration!!!-- have been…