

  • This is going to be less because I just lost a full post. Where is the redo button on this forum? I am typing in Word and will copy and paste! DH and I are going to a wedding in DC this weekend. We leave Thursday morning and will drive the 600+ miles there and will be back on Monday night. So this week will have small…
  • I had one more sentence to go on my goals and challenges and lost them all. :sad:
  • @ Slim4health56 Love the Airedale nose! I had my Rhea for ten years. She used to jog with me and was a great pal.
  • Hi Everyone! The title caught my eye because I just finished watching a rerun of Dr Oz 7/15/13 where the "expert" of the day was saying that the greatest power of our brain is in the subconscious - 88% and the best time to tap its power is right before we go to sleep. The suggestion given was to visualize yourself at a…