

  • You also need to take into consideration that at 13-15 years old, your metabolism is MUCH different. Good job on quitting smoking and determine first what your goal is.. run a marathon again? lose weight? just get fit? Your goal will determine how you go about it. Congrats on quitting smoking! That alone deserves a…
    in running Comment by mgmirador April 2013
  • I personally have a PB&J. I use the sandwich thins, a tablespoon of peanut butter, and a teaspoon of sugar free jelly. It doesn't weigh me down, you get the protein, and a little but of sugar to get your energy kick started. Now mind you, small amounts of the PB&J 'cuase if you put a glob of either or each, you're…
  • I agree with all the input above but I'd like you to keep two points in mind. First and Foremost... it's only been two weeks. You have GOT to keep at it at the pace you're going and be patient. While the meds MAY have something to do with it, the doctor will tell you that two weeks is too short of a time to base anything…
  • WOW.. 5'6" and you want to be 130?!?! I'm 5'6" and haven't been 130 since high school. I've just went from 165 to (today) 148. My goal is 140 and I'm hitting this plateau that won't let me below 145. When you get down to this point, please let me know what you did to do it. We can help each other. My little bit of advice:…