

  • I agree with the comments of everyone.... Split it in 6 meals. Avoid too many yolks Subtitute some of the canned fruit for fresh or frozen!
  • You could identify what is the worse element in your meals on the week-end and focus on reducing these. For example, we usually have french toast and mapple sirup on the week-end, well maple syrup is a killer so I try to moderate it. I also usually skip lunch on those days. It is true that week-ends are a killer. They can…
  • Someone made an experiment with Mc donald food and kept a burger for 12 years. Apparently, It hasn't decomposed after all that time. See the Karen Hanrahan's Burger A second person made a similar experiment but put the sandwiches in containers so they would trap in moisture. See the results for your self ( The smoking fry)…
  • My pet peeve is: My boyfriend replacing dinner with a whole bag of ketchup chips and beer regularly as in mostly everyweek and sometimes more than once a week while I try to loose weight, eat healthy and exercise. It is not only the temptation it provides me, but also for health reason. Even though he is skinny as a stick…
  • Ask your trainer. If you take too many proteins, you'll gain more weight. I would personally just make sure you consume some amount of proteins in every meal. From what I've heard (I asked my trainer) a girl working out 2-3 times a week should consume about 120g/per day.