looseitnow99 Member


  • Hey nice to have you here ! Wow that sounds interesting C25K, I took a look at it, but I don't think i'll be able to run for the periods of time indicated, 1 hour, 30 min, etc ? I would love to do this too ! Any more details ? Have you done the C5K ?
  • I will update my picture to see how much damage has been done so far. Keep you guys up to date.
  • The scale going back up eh ? That thing has a mind of it's own. I totally understand the eating at other people's homes, that's been happening to me for the past few days. Keep up the good work ! You're on the right path. Health is definetly a main reason why i'm doing this too.
  • Glad to have you here. I'm back as well. I jumped off the sled and let myself go the past few days. Feel terrible about it. You know what the worst thing is though ? There's no point in feeling bad. You fall, you get up, and you keep walking. That's the only way. If i'm going to be weak and feel guilty, it's a downward…
  • You know what I realized ? How much we don't know how to eat ! You would think we should know after having done it thousands of times in our lives. But no. Society is to blame, so is advertising, but even with all of this, there is hope. MFP is unique because it creates a team spirit and inspires others.
  • Hey ! Thanks for the reply, sorry I haven't replied very fast as I am working overtime and I don't have access to the internet. I definetly know how you're feeling. It's only when I hit 238 that I felt terrible about myself. I hoovered at 230 for a month or two and it bothered me but when I hit 238, the cup spilled. Keep…
  • Hey ! Thank you for the add! Congratulations on your progress ! I know it wasn't an easy road so far and the one coming won't be either but I am sure that if you keep this up you will do it. I am glad to share progress, thoughts and motivation with you. Keep in touch!
  • Congratulations ! I can only imagine how great you must feel for having accomplished this. You are just another example that it can be done and you really proved it. I am glad to support and encourage each other ! Keep in touch
  • Okay so Day 1: not easy This gas started off okay, but almost ended badly. I ate out at a restaurant but mostly salad bar so that was not bad.just very hard to know/measure quantities. I almost felt like eating some junk food but I made it pas today. Well see what tomorrow holds. I found that its important to keep warm at…
  • Thank you J. I appreciate your input.
  • Thank you for your reply! You're right, having someone to talk to and who understands the difficulties you go through is really essential for everyone's success. i am open to tips and advice. Thanks again!
  • Jdad thank you for your reply ! And congrats to you on the progress ! Gray alien people? Lols you're right I think it looks better now Keep in touch !
  • Lols photo is uploaded. I don't have Facebook for that specific reason. But I will add another photo soon. And when I do succeed I will add a before and after picture. Thanks !
  • Hey thank you for replying. Definetly carbs and sugar are a nono. I am cutting sugary drinks too, all those useless calories I used to consume. I posted a picture today. And I will post another one soon. Its amazing I've had this app for 1-2 years and I though it was pretty useless and it didn't work. But I was amazed at…
  • Hey thank you for replying ! I think the reason why we don't have any success with this website is because I never took it seriously. I found it hard to really estimate portions of food eaten. Since then I purchased an electronic kitchen scale and even though its work, things need to be measuredif we hope to succeed. just…