drcrisos Member


  • I don't have that problem, lol. A few days I will be under, but that is not the norm for me. Are you getting full from the water you are drinking, or have you always gotten full real easy? Maybe add more protein in your diet. I don't know how many meals you eat a day, but you can try to eat 6 small meals throughout the day…
  • I love coffee! Typically 3 cups a day. Can't afford Starbucks all the time, that's a treat. I didn't realize I drank that much coffee, until one day, got busy and didn't get around to having a cup (years ago), and couldn't figure out why I had such a horrible headache! Had some coffee and voila! No more headache. Never…
  • I used to feel bad when I cheated, then I would just give up and go back to my poor eating habits. Now, when I do cheat, I don't feel bad. I just do better with the next meal, or exercise to allow me more calories. If you beat yourself up all the time you won't succeed. You can always set aside one day a week for a "cheat"…
  • Wow! I am so impressed with what you've done, how far you have come, the strength it took and how truly inspiring you are! The thought of anyone seeing pics of me, makes me cringe. You have truly inspired me to have a different outlook on making this work. You look great! Keep it up and thank you for the motivation!
  • Hey all, my name is Dawn. I've been a nurse since 1997. Done a lot of different types of nursing and have settled into Oncology nursing since 2005 and love it! I have a very cushy schedule - M-F 7:30-4:00, no holidays, no weekends. With that schedule, once would think I would have time to exercise and eat better..... but…
  • I have recently found that I like Kale too. I have a blendtec blender and make green shakes every morning for my breakfast. I've played around and found my favorite is: kale, cucumber, parsley, ginger root, lemon juice and vanilla whey protein powder. Blend it and it makes for a very nice healthy way to start my day. Also…