angelicchica73 Member


  • Had the first weigh in today for the Biggest Loser contest at Work and I lost 3 pds. : ) We will weigh in every 2 weeks, so we shall see what the loss in 2 weeks will be! It is a 12 week contest and my first mini goal is to lose 20 pounds, then 30 after that. One week at a time...
  • Hi, I would like to join the thread and be 20 pds. lighter by Easter. I have committed to make 2015 my year for a healthier more fit me!! Since my weigh in was today on January 1st. I will keep my weigh in day as Thursday mornings. SW-232 GW-165 (my ultimate goal weight!!)
  • That is great! My birthday is also on Oct. 2nd my goal is to lose 70 pds. by then. I also started in May and have lost 14 pounds! Keep up the good work! : )