By the time my fiance and I have our wedding, we'll have been engaged for two years. We've been together 4 years total. By the time we get married, it will be almost 5 years that we've been together. I knew the day I met him I was going to marry him. Life got in the way, the military got in the way (deployment) but I…
HEY THERE YOU!! I know you can do it! You can do anything and I mean ANYTHING you put your mind too!! You are an amazing woman and I'm so happy that you have chosen to begin this journey. I am there with you and for you every step of the way! :)
5'5", Weigh 191, My goal weight is 145 or less.
I am giving up chocolate and alcohol. I gave up alcohol three weeks ago and I am just going to continue to refrain from drinking but the chocolate...that is going to be a tough one. I use both alcohol and chocolate to make myself feel better and I need a better, more healthy way to reward myself or to make myself feel…
I give myself reward goals. Like...if I lose 5 lbs then I can get a massage or if I lose 20 then I can go to that concert. I have a system in place. It works for me because I do not get the whatever the reward is until I reach my goal. I keep adding rewards so that I don't reach a plateau. It also works for me if I…