

  • L1D2 today - made it through without stopping but had to restrict my lifts to every 2nd lunge, my arms were getting very wobbly! I'm managing the cardio ok although I was stupid and did it barefoot yesterday so doing the butt kicks was very sore. I don't feel like I'm managing anywhere near what Jillian and her girls do :(…
  • Mind if I join in a little late? I did day 1 today, had to take a 10 minute break after 9 mins but I got through it. Can't believe how hard it was. I'm really hoping this'll help me lose the baby apron, it's embarrassing to admit I'm trying to lose baby weight when my "baby" is three!
  • SW - 190.7lbs and I'm 5'8". Desperate to lose about 60lbs so this would be an amazing kick start!