

  • My brother lives off junk food - his whole lifestyle is as unhealthy as it possibly can be so I know exactly what you mean in relation to your mam buying junk. I think its all down to will power something I don't usually lack! I'm one of those really competitive, stubborn people who doesn't give in very easily! Think I'm…
  • Being bored is a big part of me eating unhealthily, my main meals will be health but get spoilt by me eating junk inbetween. My parents will be cooking food and ask do I want some and I'm finding that I'm saying yes even though I'm not hungry! I think I just need to get into some sort of routine. I find that if I go to the…
  • A Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) that measures the amount of Calories burned would be your most accurate way of measuring, I recently bought one and I find it to be a really good motivation tool as if I feel like stopping and I'm at say 220 cals burned I'll keep going until I reach 300 etc :smile:
  • Hiya all, Try this http://wii.com/jp/mets/ Its in Japense but basically you press the big green button at the start, enter your weight in Kg's then select the duration and number of reps of each exercise and it gives you your calorie expenditure :smile: Rhi :flowerforyou:
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