My grandfather had heart disease and diabetes. He began walking 3 miles a day and got up to 9 miles a day. He was able to come off of insulin and lose over 100lbs. So yes, walking is a form of exercise if done for an adequate length of time!
Aww thanks guys! I am 5'1 and 23 yrs old! (for those of u who asked) I just log my calories and do 40-60 minutes of cardio and about 15-20 min of strength a day..My friends on here have been the main ones keeping me motivated and helping me along :) I love u guys!
I just meant the numbers are flipped! ITs random that I lost exactly 32 lbs on my 23rd b day :)
I'm 5'2 ! Down 30 lbs :) Add me!!
Thanks amy ur the best girl!
I am glad u are! U can do it!
YES YE SYES!!! Thanks so much!! :) L:)
Thanks for replyign! My thoughts exactly! too!
Okay great, you know everything! I have a bachelor's degree in nutrition and I know that it is possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a well balanced 1200 calorie diet and participating in moderate exercise. That is a fact..thousands of people have done it. So your opinion really means nothing to me. thanks any!
Okay! Thanks for sharing!
Again, agree to disagree!
By the way, when I said "listen to your body" I wasn't referring to environmental queues "telling you" you're hungry, like driving by a mcdonalds, smelling it, and deciding you're hungry, or going through a difficult situation. I meant that you are physically trying to be healthy, trying to lose weight, and eating in…
Okay!:) Agree to disagree. I have my bachelor's in nutrition as well, I love learning about the body, it fascinates me. I am only 5 foot tall so my needs aren't everyone elses, but I thought i'd share my thoughts. No worries
Just eating when you are hungry is not the best thing to go by. Ever heard of leptin and ghrelin, your hunger regulation hormones? Eating too little is going to do more harm than good in the long run. I also see no one being rude o.O [/quote] Yes I have heard of leptin and ghrelin..the same hormones that stop telling your…
This is exactly my opinion..sometimes you do and sometimes you dont but you have to do what is best for you. I dont c y people get so rude about this topic..its NOT that serious! Just do what is common sense..if you are back some calories, if not, dont..simple as that! People lost weight before myfitnesspal was…
oh yea, and I have lost my weight 1-2.8 lbs at a time so I am still in healthy range for losing weight. Just do what makes you feel normal!!!
well I knw this is a hot topic, but personal experience is that I have lost 25 lbs NOT eating my calories back. My sister has lost works for some and not for others. It hink some people are so sensitive about it because they feel they NEED to eat the calories back because theya re so hungry, or want "eat your…
Thanks girl! very sweet!
Healthy eating and exercise! Check out my diary!
Hey guys! Maybe i wasn't clear! I lost the majority of the weight since February 8th, i've been on MFP for only 3 weeks..I haven't lost 25 lbs in 3 weeks! More like almost 2 months! THANKS!!!!!
THANKS GUYS!! YOu all are the BESTTT!!!!
NOpe! staying under my calorie limit, eating 3 healthy meals and 2 snacks a day, and working diet pills etc.!