Krazycatlady Member


  • I love tea but I have to have sugar and/or honey with mine.. I have never been able to drink it just straight. I need to get myself off the sugar habit!
  • I have big calves also, Ive had them growing up even when i was only weighing 110-120lbs they were always big. I was looking online before for ways to slim them down and tone them up and i read that doing the elliptical is better for that, but I do a little of both because I want to trim down other areas too and I want the…
  • I LOVE BBT, this would be an awesome idea!
  • I always see the advertisements for this on television in the morning and have been wandering about it. I would love to give it a try, I will have to see if I can find a cheap copy on eBay or something to try it out. I started going to the gym about 3 weeks ago and would love a good DVD to do at home on the nights that i…
  • I own the Droid Razr and I love it!