

  • You don't need scientific proof. All you need is common sense and a pair of eyes. Look at all the marathon runners and cyclists in the World. Not one of them is muscular, but all of them are quite skinny almost like toothpicks. The body get's rid of things it does not need. If you stay in a bed for 3 months all your…
  • If you want to tone your arms you'll need to do the following: Pick out 4 upper arm exercises. Two movements for your biceps and two for your triceps. Once you have your four exercises picked out do the following: Warm up set (15-20 reps) 2nd set (10-12 reps) 3rd set (8-10 reps) 4th set (6 reps) 5th set (6 reps) With each…
  • You're overtraining yourself. Let me repeat that for you. You're overtraining yourself and while you might not realize it now you're actually either going to: 1. Injure yourself 2. Not gain anything Muscle growth does not occur during exercise. It occurs 48-72 hours after the muscle has been "damaged" due to training and…
  • Calculate your BMR then deduct 500 calories from your daily caloric intake and you will be losing 1lbs per week with no exercise. If you add the calories burned from working out your weight loss will be even greater.
  • Usually I buy everything at On occasion I'll hit GNC, but they are more expensive. I take two kinds of powder supplements. I take Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard (Double Rich Chocolate) and Nitro Core 24 (Cinnamon Roll). The Nitro Core 24 I take after my workout because it contains both…
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