

  • Depending on my mood, I listen to Guy Davis or Lea Gilmore (both blues), Buena Vista Social Club (Latino), and if I really want to burn it I put on Conga del Fuego and the finale from Ginastera's Estancia Danzas. (Those last two are on an album called Fiesta conducted mostly by Gustavo Dudamel.) Check them out on iTunes!
  • I love your philosophy and the fact that, noticing your recorded loss, it's obviously worked for you. Any time you deny yourself something, you becoming susceptible to falling off the wagon hard. I'm a "vege-holic" but even following the five (FRESH, unaltered,) fruits or vegetables every day guidelines, myfitnesspal tells…
  • I'm relatively new to this app/site, too, but one of the things I've noticed is that it's hard to get away from carbs. My husband and I cook mostly from scratch so I don't get too much of the processed foods in my diet. My calories are always way under, and my carbs are significantly under, but they're still about 100g.…
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