

  • My goal is around 2000. (Usually 1800-2200). I'm nursing and usually run 3 days a week. I'm just starting out lifting too. I've lost over 30lbs since I started (This is from my pre-pregnancy weight to now, so even more if you count the pregnancy weight I lost). I've still got a ways to go, but eating clean has really…
  • I've been following their philosophy since March 2012. I have lost 28lbs in that time. I still have 36lb to go but I feel amazing and have a huge difference in my clothes.
  • I do not agree with MFP's goals at all. Based on your age/height/weight (18/62"/190lb) If you are exercising 2-3x/week at your current weight your body is burning 2321 cal/day. If you were in a coma you would burn 1688 calories/day. A 500 cal defecit from 2321 would be 1821. If you eat that many calories you will lose…
  • Too few. Based on your profile (age 23, height 70", current weight 156.8, goal weight 140lb) your Basal metabolic rate is 1559 calories. This means if you were in a coma, this is how many calories your body would need to survive. You are not in a coma, you are probably much more active than that. If you wanted to maintain…