

  • Hi, Keep focused and remember you deserve the time to devote to yourself to work out. I agree with mojogurl your kids need to see it is an important part of our lives. I work over 40 hrs a week and I pick two days a week to workout at work during my lunch hour. I pick another two days during the week to work out with my…
  • Hi Jessica, welcome. I am new too as of 2 days ago. Its quite a good website with lots of info. Good luck ;)
  • Vegies sauteed I agree is a fantastic idea. Especially now here in Oz its the end of winter so warm foods are what I tend to lean towards. A salad just isnt appetising in winter. "Laughing Cow" I dont think we have this either but I will have to look for something similar. I love my cheese but some low fat cheese is…
  • Hi - Its great to be around like minded people. Good luck to you all and talk to you soon. I heard a quote a couple of years ago by Wayne Bennett and I dont think he was the originator but it has always stuck with me "If you have always done what you always do, you will always get what you always got."
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