

  • I found this cookbook at the might help you out! :) FIX-IT and FORGET-IT LIGHTLY : Healthy, Low-Fat Recipes for Your Slow Cooker Phyllis Pellman Good (Author) I've tried about 20 or so recipes so far and they have all turned out very good. I love that the calories are so low!
  • I'm a Power 90 Graduate (August 1, 2010) and I lost 20 pounds with that program. I started P90X on my 40th Birthday (August 2, 2010) and what a wonderful present that was. I love Beachbody, I feel alive again! So even though I'm nowhere near my weight loss goal, I felt that I needed to become a Beachbody coach so that I…
  • I am just starting my 3rd week of P90X this morning. I love it. However, I did the Power 90 before I started this one because I wasn't in good enough shape to take on P90X. It does take motivation but you start feeling so good after the first few days that you just keep going. I haven't had one day that I wanted to quit. I…
  • I'm new to this site also...Hi All!! I have a big journey ahead of me. Started exercising and dieting in April of this year. Have lost over 20 pounds so far but really needed to work on my food portions and get serious about my diet and I heard about this site today and thought I would come and check it out. Good luck to…