Gracye Member


  • I'm a fellow Nerd :P I love anime, gaming (used to play WoW), and big time into fantasy/paranormal reading. Supernatural is my big TV Show addiction, I mostly watch drama shows though. I'm catching up on Naruto S right now and I mostly play my Wii for gaming right now. Until I buy Sims4 that is :)
  • Thanks! I only drink 1 thing from Starbucks so it should be relatively easy to cut it down to once per week instead of once per day eventually. Tim Hortons is a Canadian coffee/donut company. I love it! That one will be harder to cut out
  • Yup that's what I started I cut back on Coke to having only 1-2 glasses a day and then down to every other day. When it's not in the house I don't drink it, I drink water. At work it's another story completely with a store next to my office that sells every bad food you can get your hands on.
  • Thank you! I don't plan on being one of those people who eats WAY under their calorie count, I work in the medical field and see what it really does to people and it's just gross.
  • I've kept this name the entire time...I log in through facebook...I don't understand why you bothered even posting this
  • Thanks guys! I can't do anything more than walking right now because everything else just aggravates my FM, I'm going to get some audio books and listen to those while I walk I think. At least going to try them out. The hardest part I can see is cutting out pop & starbucks/tim hortons. I drink a lot of Coke and I can't…