

  • might be shin splints - worst case scenario might be something as simple as - it's time to get new sneakers. either yours aren't a good fit, need insoles, or may be too old and a new set should be purchased.
  • http://ezinearticles.com/?Using-Sodium-Bentonite-Clay-Baths-For-Detoxification&id=3940184 the clay can be used in a bath for an overall detox or only applied to specific areas for a more drastic specified result. many military members (especially women with some extra weight on the waist tummy area from pregnancy or what…
  • do not listen to this, obviously very bad advice. tummy tucks are so stupid... a healthy daily ab workout has way better results and is free.
  • I'm 5 months post pregnancy. I gained 70 pounds during pregnancy because it was pretty much the first time I just allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted without consequence. I loved that short freedom, however, I'm in the military so as soon as my daughter was born I had a huge task ahead of me. I dropped all the weight I…