Generally to feel better and not be conscious of being conscious of how I look. Especially in comparison to my boyfriend. He's much better lookin than me. I don't want people to feel. Sorry for him for bein with me. Also holiday in a few months. :)
Generally to feel better and not be conscious of being conscious of how I look. Especially in comparison to my boyfriend. He's mug better lookin than me. I don't want people to feel. Sorry for him for bein with me. Also holiday in a few months. :)
My hobbies aren't active enough eg. art, reading, more art. Also two brothers who eat like horses. My boyfriend lies me too much to worry about how I look(not complaining about that) an I guess I'm too lazy. All my fault really.
I'm a bit younger but please feel free to add me. :)
I'm turning 18 on April. Time for a change for me too! I'm new to this but it looks promising so add me. :)