

  • I started the HCG diet on August 15th 2010. Ive done the diet 3 times and Im down 157 lbs - started at 350 lbs and Im currently at 192 lbs. Im currently jogging every night. The HCD diet WILL help you loose the weight, its up to you to keep it off.
  • Same thing. The hormone tells the body to feed the fetus by any means necessary (i.e. break down fat stores to feed baby). It works, but some people don't like the idea of it or the calorie count. My wife and some friends thought I was crazy until they saw me loosing weight like crazy. Then they told me I would gain it all…
  • Ive used it. Started in August 2010 and stayed on it for 6 weeks. It gave me a large jump start to dieting. I lost 56 lbs in 6 weeks. I have since lost 109 lbs total. FWIW, my family Doctor put me on the HCG diet and monitored my health and blood work.
  • I get them from Costco for about $1.80 each.
  • There isn't a diet available that will help you keep the weight off if you go back to the same eating habits that caused you to gain the weight to begin with. I did the HCG diet and lost 47lbs. Its been 7 weeks since I stopped the diet and Ive lost an additional 19 lbs. You have to adjust your lifestyle PERMANENTLY for any…
  • You can buy HCG at GNC now? Im starting my second round of the HCG diet on Saturday. Lost 47lbs the first time, hope for similar results this time.
  • Its a diet where you take HCG (same hormone that pregnancy test read) while eating a VERY LIMITED 500 calorie diet. You can loose alot of weight on it if you can keep up with the diet restrictions.
  • Yes, I did the injections and thanks for helping me with that.
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