Kzyden Member


  • I'm looking for more friends on here. I signed up with some friends from school but they aren't using MFP anymore so it'd be nice to have some people on here to interact with and help keep me motivated. I don't wanna give up like them!
  • I'm currently living in Reeds. Halfway between Springfield and Joplin in the middle of nowhere :)
  • Hello everyone :) My name is Kelsey, I am 24 years old. I had some health issues earlier this year so I am ready to improve my health and take better care of my body! I am currently on day 10 of the Isagenix 30 day cleanse. Today and tomorrow I will be cleansing so my mini goal is to make it to Friday morning without…
    in Day 1 Comment by Kzyden September 2014
  • I went cold turkey this January and did really well for a while. I did replace cigs with lots and lots of candy though. After a while I started to sneak cigs and decided to buy those ecigs without nicotine and thats what finally did the trick for me. I was able to use them as a crutch when the cravings were really bad, or…