rpelley Member


  • This is too painfully familiar. I lost a hundred and forty two pounds of nasty when I divorced. It IS emotional abuse. At some point, though I tried for 23 years to make my marriage work, I had to ask myself whether I wanted my daughter to think that THAT was the way a husband should talk to his wife and whether she should…
  • YIKES! What an *$$! Obviously NOT the gym for you. You WILL find one with caring compassionate and concerned trainers. Do you have a runner's store, or a YWCA/YMCA nearby? I'd write to the owner and I would also comment on YELP. What an idiot. Shake off the hate and move forward. You can and you will succeed! Wish I had…
  • I agree with others who've posted here! This membership is a step forward to your claiming a healthy happy lifestyle. Most people are in their own world and wrapped in their own confidence issues, or lack thereof! The fact that you will go and are there is huge! You are making strides to take care of yourself! This is an…
  • Pick three words that describe the YOU that will pull you through times like this. 3 little words from your mind to your heart especially for this jumpSTART! USE them when you are down on yourself...talking trash to yourself OR tempted. Mine are STRONG, HEALTHY, DETERMINED. Say them over and over until the feelings and…
  • Absolutley awesome! Amazing! For all of us who have nearly lost hope, you are an inspirational example of what CAN happen with focus and daily diligence! You deserve all good things! Blessings on and all around you!