Arrica Member


  • I think it's just one of those things that gets easier with time
  • Get them size 12's fittin' better...and if I happen to need to go down to a size 10 I wouldn't complain!!
  • 37 and about half way to my goal. :-) Add me if you like...
  • I used to miss and double up all the time and never got pregnant. That was the only method we'd use too, then when I would come off the pill get pregnant right away, so no problems concieving. I think you'll be ok. :-) Don't stress...the man upstairs has a plan for ya. (Not to be too preachy)
  • I think you look better now too!! Great Job!!
  • I am exactly where you are. I have lost about 40 lbs in all and still feel fat and just kinda lost my motivation. I am still tracking and weighing regularly but not eating very healthy and not working out as much as I had been. Something that has kinda motivated me is that I tried on some smaller pants than I have been…
  • Second marriage for both of us. First date April 29th, moved in with me in July, married in Dec. and pregnant by May. We'll be married 3 years in Dec. We knew from the second date and said "I love you's" that week. Never thought I would be getting married again, let alone so soon but when it's the perfect fit and feels so…
  • From my favorite movie of all time, Say Anything, "I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a…
  • I will look into it. I was taking CLA and a thermogenic and a detoxifier but it all ran out and I can't afford anymore right now.:cry: I think it was helping though.
  • Ok so I read everyone's responses and tried to take a little from everything. I think the general concensus is I need to be eating around 1900 calories? Or is 1900 calories what a make a deficit from? The whole net calories thing confuses me no matter how many times I have read and reread it. To make your net 0 is that…
  • I will look at the fooducate site. I know healthier options and when I started I was doing better about eating things like rice cakes in place of chips, I just haven't bought any in a while and have been eating what is in the house and whatever I am feeding hubby. Guess I better start buying the rice cakes again!! I…
  • Ok I had it set at 1 lb so I set it to 1/2 lb. Had it set at lightly active too. Is this little bit of a gain I am seeing a temporary thing from uping my calories here lately? I weigh myself daily but I don't freak out when I see the number go up and down because I understand water weight and stuff, but this increase I…
  • Sweet potatoes fill me up really well. I have found if I eat one before work (like I am doing right now) I am less likely to snack on whatever treats some patient's family may have brought us!! :-)
  • Get Low-Stat Quo No Apologies-Eminem Break Stuff-Limp Biskit Just Like You- Three Days Grace Heartless-Kanye West I Hate Everything About You-Three Days Grace Edge of a Broken Heart-Vixen Pleasure Principle-Janet Jackson Sex on Fire-Kings of Leon Let the Music Play-Shannon Let's Get Physical-Oliva Newton John I could go on…
  • I love your story!! You look amazing!! Great job and very inspiring. I am the same height and looking to get to about 120 too. Nice to see how that looks on someone our height. :-)
  • You look GREAT!!! Keep up the good work!!
  • I can definately see a difference. Keep up the good work!!
  • I am here because I do better when I have support and the resources I need at my fingertips. I love the success stories; they motivate me. I love looking for new ideas for food and recipes. I love being able to draw from other people's wisdom about weightloss and the best way to acheive it. Personally...I don't want to be…
  • I had my tubes tied after my baby in Jan of 2011. I didn't have the pain of having it done on its own, but I haven't had any negative effects from it either. Granted I hadn't had a period for 5 years before I got pregnant (thank you IUD) and I have them now and I do get some cramping with that but not horrible. Like the…
  • Did this last night. Hubby put bacon wrapped chicken on the grill and I covered mine in avocado slices. Tasted great!! I like to put them on sandwiches and in salads and in anything mexican. :-)
    in Avacado Comment by Arrica April 2012
  • I am pretty close to you. 5"4' and 164 looking to get down to 120-130 whenever I reach my goal but I would like to be at 140 by early August. :smile: Add me if you like.
  • Great job!! You look really good!!
  • I have Zumba on the wii and I love it. If you like dancing it's pretty fun and the wii gives you feedback on how you did how many calories you burned and tracks your weight and stuff. Pretty cool!! :happy:
  • Great Job!! I can totally see a difference!!
  • These are very inspiring. I don't have money to join a gym right now. I am wondering, is there a way to get these kind of results with just dumbells at home? I have some 3lb and 5lb weights and can probably invest in some that are a little heavier down the road as needed. I know I still have quite a bit to lose before I…
  • I hate text talk. Text me in normal words and sentences WITH punctuation please!! It also drives me crazy when people mix up similar sounding words with different meanings. For example "I except that you don't like this." It's ACCEPT people!!! Grrrrr
  • My 13 yr old girl is a 36C....just sayin' :smiles: Me I am a C cup now but when I get to my goal I'll be around a B cup...maybe an A depending on how low I get. My husband has already noticed the loss of boobies and I have lost 41 lbs so far, still another approx 40 to go!!
    in Boobs Comment by Arrica April 2012
  • I'm sorry for you. Everytime I get feeling all "poor me" I think of what if we had a similar situation and it makes me feel a little less sorry for myself. Anyway, that's gotta be tough but glad you figured out it had nothing to do with you. Hope he gets better!!
  • Awesome!!! Great job!! You look like a totally different couple!!
  • My husband has this cute little sideways glance he gives me when he's giving me crap. It's kind of a half smile and his dimple shows and it melts me every time. Makes me just wanna jump him right there!!!!