tcat2012 Member


  • Thank you for this very useful review!
  • Thank you for taking the time to answer my question; I really appreciate it...and your stay-the-course advice is very encouraging (it's what I planned to do but it's good to hear it from someone with experience). :smile:
  • I read all of these posts (and have been on mfp since the first week of Feb) and do understand this. I have a serious/legitimate question though: I've been exercising daily (alternating cardio days--300-400 cal burn per day, with strength/weights--moderately heavy, at least for me) for more than 90 days...and restricting…
  • He has your eyes...too cute!:smile:
  • I think you will...good luck! Be really careful of your knees (if your glutes/hamstrings are already strong that's great) knees were feeling a little iffy during level 1 but by the end I was fine. Be careful with your form. Have fun!:smile:
  • You may not lose much but you will probably tone (unless you're already well toned) especially in the midsection (less so in hips/thighs). When I started 30 day shred I did it because I wanted to drop about 7 lbs or so; I'm at a good weight but perpetually have that 5-10 pounds I'm looking to take off. I was initially…
  • I did it every day when I got it (skipped only one weekend when I was away) but a lot of people do take a day off so that will work too. Good luck & have fun :smile: (and watch your form to protect your knees!)
  • I only lost a total of 3 lbs after doing it but my measurements went down nicely (especially waist, belly--no more muffin top) and my core felt so much stronger. I lost 2 lbs the first week (also the same week I started monitoring my calories) then gained them back during level 2, then lost 3 during level 3. Measure…
  • There are no plank jacks (but there are jumping jacks and mountain climbers)...there are some jumps (one that is a kind of plie jump after 3 squats and one that is a scissor kick jump) but they can definitely be modifed. There are plenty of non-plyo cardio moves too. I would say that if you can do 30 day shred you can…
  • I use it--alternating with weight/strength days. From warm up to cool down it is about an hour (but it goes very fast); I like it a lot and it burns 450-500 cal according to my hrm. It alternates between intense circuits and easier ones, which gets your heart rate really high but then gives you a chance to recover. There's…
  • Be careful with your form (listen to Jillian) so you don't hurt your knees. Follow Anita (modified girl) when you need to (and even modify more if you have to in the beginning). You'll likely be very sore after day 1, but push through it. I didn't think level 1 was hard at all until the next day when my butt/thighs were…
  • No more trouble zones is easy on the knees (no jumping at all). Also, I have found that my knees felt a little iffy at the beginning of 30 DS, but I was very careful with my form and always modified when I felt I needed to, and now have no problems at all. Also, I'm 46 years old so don't have young knees =) and they feel…
  • Have you tried any Jillian Michaels DVDs? I have lost inches in my waist (narrowest part), belly (at belly button), lower belly (right below the navel) and even my pooch (my problem area--3 C Sections). Started with 30 DS, moved on to Ripped in 30, now I alternate between Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble…
  • I think that most experts will recommend taking one rest day per week, however, when I did the shred, I only took 3 days off (so it took 33 days to do the whole thing) and they were not because I needed the rest, they were because I was away for the weekend. So basicaly I had a 3 day weekend where I didn't do it and the…
  • I make a stuffing from bread crumbs, grated cheese, chopped capers, chopped anchovies...moistened with enough olive oil to just make it hold together. A little stuffing goes a long way (maybe 3/4 cup of bread crumbs for 4 or 5 artichokes). Stuff into the leaves and then put them into about 1 inch of simmering water,…
  • South Beach is fairly easy to follow and to log; there's a lot of info on it on the internet; there might even be a group for it on MFP. Lots of lean protein, whole grains, vegetables. It would be pretty easy to follow when traveling as well--after the first phase of it you are essentially just eliminating white…
  • I like both, but Oikos is my preference. I don't care for Fage because of the texture--it's very thick. But if you like that, you'll like Fage--its my husband's favorite.
  • I just want to add my vote--probably water retention. I completed the 30ds and lost a total of 3 lbs, but shrunk in inches. (I did gain initially) So hang in there...and as most others have said, rely on the measuring tape instead of the scale. 30 DS works and you actually start to see the results (in measurements) very…
  • I hated working out too. And never thought I had the time for it. Then I got the 30 day shred dvd; figuring that 20 minutes a day was do-able (and bearable). After seeing results within 2 weeks (inches lost, not many pounds) I actually started looking forward to the workouts. Now, 2 months later, I've completed 30 ds, I am…
  • Congrats...and it does get easier if you stick to it! :smile:
  • I did ww online and liked it, but I think the montly fee is too high for what you're getting. MFP is better in my opinion; I also like that you can track your macros (when I belonged to ww you only tracked points...don't know if that's changed or not). It's also easier to track calories than points (again, just my my…
  • I recently finished the 30 day shred and have just started Ripped in 30. The Shred will trim inches off your waist and belly, will make you feel stronger, will firm you up nicely...and it's only about 25 minutes which is awesome. I only lost 3 lbs though (but have less than 10 to lose weight loss for me is…
  • Have you tried 30 day shred? In terms of me noticing a real difference in my body, it seems to have helped me the most in the waist area and I have much less of a waist bulge than before I started the shred. I went down a little more than a full inch in the waist (both the narrowest part of my natural waist and the belly).…
  • Level 2 is really hard at first but it does get easier; don't be afraid to follow Anita with the modified moves...and modify even more if you have to (so that you're working hard the whole time even if you can't do what she's doing). You will get through it and will build upper body strength and strengthen your core. I…
  • I think it's fantastic and I am going to start Ripped in 30 as soon as I am done (2 more days). If you don't have a lot of time to spare for exercise it's perfect. Today is day 29 for me (started 33 days ago so I only missed a couple of days). I'm on level 3. Liked level 1 (lost 2 lbs); hated level 2 (lots of plank…
  • I had weight gain too (from searching the internet I think it's your sore muscles retaining water) but after a few days of level 3 started to lose. And losing inches all along. So definitely stick with it. I think I searched online for every review of the 30 DS and many people said they gained weight initially (while…
  • I'm on day 25 and am really starting to see results now. I started with only about 7 or 8 lbs. to lose (so it's really hard for me to lose weight.) Level 1--didn't think it was difficult (but was definitely sore the next day so it must have been doing something!). I lost 2 lbs very quickly but then gained them back again.…