How much did you weigh when you married and how much do you weigh now ?
We all know thats not true, the title says be honest
You dont deserve my reply, Goal weight 115lb says 120 is underweight sorry but that made me laugh so hard
IRONY OF PEACE BAHAHAHAHA Goal weight 115, says 120lb is underweight WOMEN LOGIC, it blows my mind
So you can bench 200lbs ? pls sit back down
5'10 no thanks
These are throwing lanky girls at me, and come at me with the God aka BMI which is never right tbh Reminds me of when fat girls saying skinny girls are unattractive, No its just you'll never be like that
Comparing to the BMI, lol strong logic, just checked and that says healthy for women up to 5'9
for everyone to mire me
Tbh most fat girls look half decent once they get to around 120lbs or something srs
You cant and it sucks tbh
Why would anyone want an overweight Girlfriend ? I don't even...... BRB 9 different chin BRB Flab BRB It isnt attractive one bit
25 said it in the other thread
Looks about 25 srs
True I flex in every mirror i see
This thread is disgusting BRB saggy balls of peace
I dont get it aware me
20 year old, 43 is this real life ?
do me and the third ^^^^^
Only one pic for that i guess :|
140 ? Idk lol
Hey Cutie, Wanna go halves on a baby ?
Leo, you all mad that i have the best one BRB Lion, king of all Kings
Singer called Cher
Oh Lawd, Cher, Is that you ?
That beard and that bandana pls go 1/10
7, you need to hit that chest bro
Another one bites the dust