

  • This^^^ I am also in recovery and have an outpatient dietician and therapist. Trust your dietician, they have a degree in nutrition. ED doesn't know anything except how to be manipulative and abusive.
  • Your metabolism may be a little slow at the beginning of recovery however, that will change drastically! My outpatient nutritionist, who specializes in eating disorders, explained to me that a 400cal jump each week is really good for kick starting the metabolism. But when I was in the hospital, they had me on 3500-4000+…
  • I was supposed to still be doing damage control after last weekend but today I had Arby's... a French dip and swiss sandwich and medium curly fries. That set me a little over my planned calories and then I ate some peanut butter out of the jar and some Wheat Thins because I was stressed about summer classes, at least…