

  • I am in love with ZUMBA!!! I can't get enough of it. I go 3-4 times a week (more if I can fit it into my schedule).
  • 6/24/2012: 260. I am on my way of losing tho - for reals this time.
  • I'm very proud of you to take this major step. Breaking up with someone that you have known almost your whole life can be tough, but you are a stronger person because you are going through this weight loss journey. You do not need anyone to keep you down - you need encouragement and support and if your bf was not giving…
  • You look amazing. GOOD JOB IN THE JOB WELL DONE!!! :)
  • I think that all of us are in the same boat. I know I am for sure. I just weighed in yesterday and that night I binged - I kept telling myself that I should reward myself for losing 2 lbs so I binged and today I feel horrible. I want to now do this but I don't know how to stop it. :( I need help and support.
  • Feel free to add me.
  • You can add me if you want. I am sorta new to this too - even tho I've been a member for a while already I just started to use this more often. :)
    in add me:) Comment by anfrias April 2012
  • Welcome. I am technically new to this site - I've done this before and didn't last long. I am back at it again trying to lose the weight that I want. CW: 254 GW: 180 (for now) We have something in common right now :smile: We can all motivate eachother.