
  • I'd go with the dumbbells, you'll get more versatility out of them than a medicine ball. You can use them for so many different exercises and have them as heavy or light as you need. Medicine balls have their place but I don't find they give an overall workout.
  • Agree with fxgs, clean off the sleep then clean off the sweat.
  • My wife and I used to struggle with work and healthy living, you'd be so busy during teh day that the last thing you wanted to do was work out or prepare healthy food which can take longer than jsut grabbing something out of the cupboard and heating it up. Although there's no secret to making it work the best piece of…
  • I started with 25lbs and have now moved up to 35lbs on each bar. I've started seeing a change in the first 6 weeks of doing is seriously and that was just through doing basic exercises regularly. Normally I would do 4 sets of 10 flies 4 sets of 10 flat flies (not sure of the name but basically laying on the floor and going…