

  • ahhhh.... that is sweet...
  • One dark chocolate hershey's kiss! only about 20 calories and it kills the craving for me... or a cup of mint tea with honey.... both work wonders....
  • Dont give up, everyone hits a plateu every once in awhile. Try mixing up what type of exercise you are doing, or take a day off and endulge in some special dessert. Your body takes time to adjust, give it time but don't be discourage if you go a week or three with no change...
  • YES! Those candy jars sitting on the desks are the worst. My cube buddies and I are doing an office version of Biggest Loser, to that end we have a huge fruit bowl instead of candy jars... it seems to me very helpful to all of us! And I have found that if I get up several times a day and walk (even for just five minutes)…
  • Good Morning, I have only been using the program for a week... and I would love a motivational friend to help me keep moving towards my goals. My husband is doing the program as well, but it just is not the same <grin>. My biggest struggle is fitting in exercise everyday. I work in an office setting where I sit in front of…