

  • I've been doing the meal plan and calendar since October 5; before that I just did videos here and there. so for I've hit my initial goal weight of 155, my new goal is a muscular 150. Hoping to be a size 10/12 by March :)
  • as far as fast food goes, I try to stick to (somewhat) healthier restaurants that offer more fresh ingredients, as well as a more filling meal. Mcdonalds gave me a heart attack when I realized how many calories I'd eaten!! I now stick solely to hardees or chik fil a, but those are (usually) very rare. It's gotten easier…
  • working out! I have one toddler and a hubs that loves to do nothing after work and leave a mess everywhere he goes! I'm 35 weeks with my second daughter and struggle to get in my prenatal yoga/walks. It's thankfully gotten easier to eat healthy
  • Hi! I'm a second time mom, due 2/19 and trying to now maintain my current weight! (i've gained 25 lbs now, weigh 190) Before my first, I weighed a happy 142. shot up to 197 by the time she was born, got down to 165 then got pregnant again and have struggled to keep weight gain low. Hoping that having friends will hold me…