Lynn1957 Member


  • Which other tracking sites do you use? I find that calories burned for bicycling are estimated a little high on MFP, and I'd love to find other sites to compare numbers.
  • Everybody, and I mean EVERBODY that has the motivation and guts to pull up their boot straps and go to the gym deserves a giant pat on the back. And no matter what you do at the gym, even just walking at a moderate pace, is doing something. One of my favorite sayings, "No matter what you do, you're still lapping those…
  • I crave crunch, so over the weekend I cut up a TON of snack veggies like cucumber, carrots, green peppers and radishes. I fill five small zip-top baggies (not the snack sized ones, the ones a size bigger meant for sandwiches) and put the rest in a tupperware. Then I portion out 2 tablespoons Wishbone light blue cheese…