

  • And I do love most veggies! I just have an awful sweet tooth! I wish I liked fruit!
    in Fruit Comment by malkb27 January 2013
  • For most fruits it's a taste thing, but I HATE the texture of citrus fruits. I really only like bananas and a few strawberries in my smoothies.
    in Fruit Comment by malkb27 January 2013
  • I don't like oatmeal, but I love pecans! I'm definitely going to try this! Gluten gives me headaches and migraines. The only good thing about being GF is that I have a great excuse not to eat the cupcakes and donuts at work....
    in Fruit Comment by malkb27 January 2013
  • That sounds delicious without the oatmeal!
    in Fruit Comment by malkb27 January 2013
  • "I love fruit but it's not some magic bullet for weight loss." I didn't say it was a magic bullet; I said it would help. I have a terrible sweet tooth and I wish I like fruit because then I could substitute fruit for the sweet things I eat.
    in Fruit Comment by malkb27 January 2013
  • I only do banana smoothies. Sometimes I'll throw in a few strawberries, but only a few... I don't want the flavor to be very noticable. I've tried other fruit smoothies to my dismay....
    in Fruit Comment by malkb27 January 2013
  • Thanks for the recipe! I'll pin that for later. I do love me some banana bread. :)
    in Fruit Comment by malkb27 January 2013
  • Let's do this! I sent a friend request!
  • Welcome! I've been on here quite awhile now! Sent friend request.
  • Posting this is scarier than I thought it would be. Sorry it's late. I don't expect to see much change between May 1 and June 1 because I have to pretty much maintain this month in order for my wedding dress to fit. Height: 5'5" Weight: 138.2 Body Fat: 26.2% I have a ways to go...
  • I started at 166 lbs twice. Once in May 2007 and again in January 2011. The first time I got down to 140 and then let it yo-yo between 145 and 155 for a couple of years until stress from grad school caused me to jump up to 166 again. Excuses, excuses... I'm finally at 140 again, but I'm not done. I've realized that I…
    in "Yo-Yoing" Comment by malkb27 April 2012
  • I'm 5'5" and 23 years old. I currently weigh 140, but I'm aiming for 126! My real goal weight is happiness and a rockin' bikini body!
  • You can definitely weight train and lose. That's how I've done all of my weight loss. You don't have to eat anything particularly special, in my experience, if you aren't doing a lot of cardio along with it. If you are doing cardio, eat a higher protein diet because it should help prevent muscle break down. Your weight…
  • I'm getting married next month, but we're taking our honeymoon on our first anniversary! Weddings are a great motivator, for sure!
  • I'd like to preface this by saying that I have not been diagnosed with anything and I certainly don't have Celiac Disease. That being said, I've suffered from chronic headaches since forever. Even as a small child, I would go to my mom to complain about headaches and she would brush my hair. I started getting migraines…
  • I'm not sure I can give tips, yet, but I can provide motivation, lol. I'm also 5'5" and weigh 140. I'm wanting to get to 125 and tone up a lot. I know to reach the toning I want, I'm going to have to stick with working out consistently, so I'm totally with you! Good luck!
  • You should measure out your food when you can (if you don't already). Many people underestimate how much they are actually eating. Also, I go over on my calories about half of my days because my body responds better to zigzagging on calories. My goal is to stay under my weekly allotted calories, not each and every day.…
  • On mornings that I have time to cook, I like to eat hashbrowns/potatoes and eggs! My normal breakfast consists of yogurt, fruit, and/or nuts. I love almonds and pecans!
  • I would call my condition chronic headaches with severe migraines every other month. I've tried a variety of migraine medicine, but I didn't like the side effects. I've been dealing with this for as long as I can remember. I have a million triggers (not enough sleep, too much sleep, out in the sun, stress, etc.) I'd like…
  • I was stuck at 150ish for about 6 months, but now I'm down to 142. I so want to be 125 - 130! We're already friends, but just wanted to leave support! It's hard to stay motivated when we can tell ourselves that we don't ~need~ to lose weight. We can do this! Good luck!
  • Bump - I'm in and will start in May. I better learn how to post a picture by then!
  • Bump... Awesome and inspiring thread!
  • How rude! Losing 30 pounds is awesome! Only gaining back 5 is fantastic! You'll show him what "failing" looks like!
  • You're the closest to a twin I've seen!
  • As with just about everyone else on this thread, I also recommend it! I've done it twice. The first time I lost about 7 pounds and several inches. The second time, I didn't lose anything, but I got some serious definition in my calves and abs. And I didn't think I would ever have definition on my abs! I do it periodically…
  • I'm actually kinda glad we decided to go on our honeymoon a year after the wedding so that I would have a reason to stay motivated! Winters make it so hard for me to maintain/lose weight! I live in Iowa! Just moved here a couple of years ago! Good luck on your weight loss journey!
    in Worthwhile Comment by malkb27 March 2012
  • Hi! I visited Houston once. I was surprised that it had palm trees, lol! I'd love to live in Austin one day, but I doubt my fiancee will move to such a warm climate!
    in New Girl Comment by malkb27 March 2012
  • Katherine Heigl for sure! (I still haven't figured out how to post pictures...)
  • I definitely empathize. Sweets are my downfall. Not so much chocolate, but anything else made with sugar..... Good luck! Add me if you'd like!