shnoots Member


  • >.< And that's why I stopped weightlifting after high school. I KNEW I wasn't being paranoid.
  • I swear his pediatrician must be bi-polar. He was all ears this time. He even seemed sympathetic! He gave us a can of nutrimagen lgg, a zantac prescription, and made us an appointment with a gastroenterologist. It's a complete turnaround from his previous behavior. I have to wonder if it had anything to do with me dragging…
  • He's on medicaid which means he's limited on available doctors. I tried to switch him to a pediatrician that was highly recommended to us, but her case load was full. No one around here has weekend hours that I know of, and even if they did there's the caseload issue again. What's insane is that the doctor he's with right…
  • I haven't experienced any decreases - considering I have almost no supply to decrease >.< - but you might try adding some brewer's yeast or some alfalfa to your diet. They're the only two things that have helped me increase my supply. Plus they make you feel good in general.
  • I use the "sleep when the baby sleeps" mantra to justify only being awake for 8-10 hours a day. It's glorious.
  • >.< I got food poisoning and now I'm behind! Day 5 done...on day 7.
    in Day 5? Comment by shnoots August 2013
  • It's on the group page. But just incase you can't get there for some reason: The Schedule (Beginning August 1st) Day 1 - 6 reps of each; 30 TOTAL SQUATS Day 2 - 10 reps of each; 50 TOTAL SQUATS Day 3 - 6 reps of each, repeat 2x; 60…
  • Done, but I missed the part where it was supposed to be broken down into 2 >.<
  • Done.
  • Done.
  • I was going to be all brave and post an underwear selfie, but DAMN! Either my camera just hates me, or I'm willfully blind in the mirror. I think I'll wait until the end of the month and then post the before and after together.
  • I'll be 23 in 10 days, and recently had a little boy who refuses to let me put him down. I think squats are the only practical form of exercise for us right now! My backside was pretty great while I was pregnant, but 4 months of being a SAHM has started to cause some issues :p
    in Welcome Comment by shnoots July 2013
  • Yay for big babies! Oh, and congrats on your VBAC. The only hospital in my area refuses to allow for VBACs >.< ...Random trivia...
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who wasn't contemplating death. Honestly, it was making me feel a little like I'd somehow gone about everything wrong. I was expecting it to be all empowering/joyous/orgasmic propaganda they push at homebirthers. I mean, I plan to do it again, but with an entirely different frame of mind. And…
  • It seems like every time I try to tell someone about my son's birth I end up making homebirth look even more unappealing than it already is to a lot of people :p I woke up at 5 a.m. with contractions, but managed to nap until noon. My husband and I ordered a pizza and watched Terminator 2 until my contractions got so close…
  • It's so nice to hear other people talk about how big/small their babies are. My son was 10lbs 3oz when he was born and the nutritionist at the WIC office just kept asking "Did you have gestational diabetes? Are you sure?!" >.< No woman, I just made a giant child. He's 3 months and weighs ~20lbs and is a little over 24in
  • I'm in the same boat over here. I was 6 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight after I delivered, and I've gained 14 >.< I blame fenugreek. My supply is ridiculously low - My EBF newborn gained ZERO (went from 10.3 to 9.5) weight and didn't poop (on his own) for a month - so I'm trying to up it, which means I shouldn't…
  • I lost 15 in my first trimester >.> Once my morning sickness started to wane, all I could eat was pizza, so I gained that back quickly. I think I was up 10 at 26 weeks. And now at 33w5d I'm up 18. So by the end of this I think I'll be up 24. But to be fair I started out at 200, so I have less to gain.
  • I recommend avocados too. They're really versatile, so you aren't stuck with guacamole every time. I just tried out this awesome recipe for chocolate pudding made with avocados and it's actually insanely good. I used soy milk instead of coconut milk, but it turned out just fine anyway. It's a great way to tackle a sweet…
  • I'm a big supporter of delayed cord clamping. When you cut the cord prematurely, your baby is losing a decent portion of blood that it would otherwise receive. From what I've read that's one of the reasons for after birth weight loss. Let your kid have his/her blood, rather than forcing the body to make it back up.
  • I'm on the "or not" side of pain medication during labor. So much information gets put out about why it's better to birth without pain medication, but I feel like there's a big gap where very few people mention specific issues for the baby. Sure you hear, "It can make you baby lethargic, which could cause difficulty in…
  • Eggs - Great source of protein and fat, super versatile and easy to cook. Oatmeal - It's my favorite food ever, and is a decent source of protein and fiber, some potassium, and no sodium. You can pretty much put anything in it, and you can use it for making veggie burgers. Beans - Another super versatile food, super cheap,…
  • I'm from Arkansas too! My main cravings have been bananas, peanut butter, kefir, and mayonnaise/mustard on every possible food (pasta, sandwiches, fries)
  • On a side note, I'm due in 10 weeks and would totally sell you mine. Vegetarian diet, low alcohol consumption (mainly just for my green beans, can't eat them without pinot grigio and lemon juice :p), and no drugs. Just putting that out there >.>
  • Websites like have donors with medical evaluations and whatnot to ensure you're getting clean milk.
  • Did I specifically tell her to constantly eat a huge calorie count? No. Not in the least. I told her to eat whenever she felt hungry. Which she will, and it's good to have some reassurance that it's ok to eat. If you haven't noticed, a lot of chicks seem to have a problem with letting themselves eat when their bodies are…
  • The best advice I can give is to eat, sleep, and exercise. Anything else is your decision. Pregnancy takes a lot out of you, so eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. It's not an excuse to eat whatever you want (like 2 large fries and a half bag of chocolates >.> Not that I'd know), but it is an excuse to eat whenever you're hungry - which…
  • That blows. I seem to be having the easiest pregnancy in the history of the world. I feel like I'm bragging every time I post anywhere about anything having to do with my pregnancy. Kind of makes me feel like an *kitten*, but I'm grateful. Though, my lack of growth doesn't necessarily mean they don't hurt. I work in a…
  • On a side note to anyone who finds this thread and is looking for information - Your breasts may not grow at all for a really long while. I'm 30 weeks, and haven't had any noticeable growth. I'm leaking a bit of colostrum so I assume they're at least working right, but yeah, I'm still waiting on some growth. Hopefully once…
  • I was up 6 lbs at 20 weeks, and up 10 at 29 - or at least last time I checked >.>