My grandmother has somehow made it into her 60's and has no idea how to prepare food. She grew up as an incredibly picky eater, and never made it past that point. She's currently the primary caregiver of my youngest sister (9), and the wife of a newly diagnosed diabetic. I live 3 hours away, and can't be there physically…
I love black mushrooms with a serious passion, and just came into a massive amount of them. The only issue is that the dishes have always been cooked by my Chinese friends. I'd ask them for some help, but they're busy with finals and a new baby. Does anyone have any recipes they enjoy? I'm stuck on stir-frying them with…
Please tell me someone has some good advice for how to deal with either of these. We went to my son's pediatrician about a month ago and he completely blew me off. Told me to just keep trying rice cereal and that he'd grow out of it. It's been 2 months of my son is consistently eating less and less food. For the last 3…
My name is Hannah and my son was born 3 months ago on Easter morning. He was 2 weeks late, and after 22 hours of labor he was born in our bathroom at 10 lbs 3 oz. My husband caught him and our midwives showed up 30 minutes later. That's my super cool birth story in a tiny nut shell :p I lost 26 lbs within a week of…
Okay, so I knew that pregnancy can lead to weird dreams, but I've always had a disturbingly active imagination so I wasn't too concerned. Holy crap. I've had at least 3 dreams in which I've managed to completely forget to breastfeed my baby. In one dream it turns out I had been in a coma for a few months after the birth.…