c501 Member


  • Also, My exercise trainer said that if you eat a protein, healthy fat,(like nuts or PB or olive oil) and a vegetabe or one fruit every 2-4 hours 5 times a day, you will loose weight . The first time I did this, I lost 6 pounds in 3 days. Good luck to you
  • Hi, My experience tells me more water, get a probiotic from the health food store or just Walmart is fine too. That helps get the sluggish digestion moving. It will make you feel so much better and give you a glow to your skin. Dont eat too little calories. I know that sounds strange but if you dont eat enough, it puts…
  • Hi, I just joined the group. Yipee for me. I just wanted to share about T-Tapp which is another exercise program that is non jarring and is an overall body workout from a woman who worked with models to help their bodies stay in shape.I got educated on the Public Tevlevision station. It looks great to me. Thanks for…
    in Too Obsessed Comment by c501 July 2012
  • Hi, thank you for posting such a nice picture of you and your family. I listened to a program on Public Television on a non jarring quick exercise called T-Tapp. It looks like a great way to get into shape without killing yourself. I am a mother of 6 and working full time
  • I have just read about T-Tapp. It is a quick non jarring exercise that is good for total fitness. Good luck. I bought my cd on amazon. I heard about it on Nebraska Public Television
  • I found using a collodial vitamin/mineral supplement cures the cravings.Go to your local health food store and ask for a good tasting one. Good luck
  • this would be a good time to invest in a really good vitamin/mineral supplement . this alone would help stop cravings. Also, you could try a protein shake at this time. They wont hurt either and really kill the cravings.; Good Luck
  • Hi. Hey, I feel for you. I totally understand what you are going through. I just started to track my food on this site and I love it cause it gives me some concrete ways to see progress and what i am actually putting in my mouth. I hired a personal trainer 2x's a week and do water aerobics twice a week and try to get in…