snfsma Member


  • I'm on day 6 of level 1. Are we supposed to do 10 days of each level? For some reason, I was thinking 7 days, and was looking forward to level 2. Push-ups are still the killer for me, my arms are so weak!
    in March 18th Comment by snfsma March 2013
  • I was going to ask this same question, glad someone else already did. :)
  • I just joined the group today and so I'm a bit behind. Starting day 1 tonight. I'm scared!
    in March 8th Comment by snfsma March 2013
  • I'm doing my first 5k next Saturday. I have been doing the couch to 5k but not consistently and I cannot run longer than 8 minutes at a time yet. When I do a 5k on my treadmill, it takes me about 55 minutes. Still, I'm doing it along with some friends and my 15 year old daughter. My goal is to finish ahead of my daughter,…