

  • Yall are going to think I'm crazy but I do Turbofire. Yes the super hard super intense kickboxing workout. I didn't start out with turbofire I did wii fit first, then walking, then zumba. But that high that you get with really intense workouts oh my lord amazing I positively love it! When I work out hard it shuts my fibro…
  • I work part time and I work from home. I don't think that I could hold down a job from 9-5 I am doing better but I'm not fixed by any means there are somedays that I just feel like I can't accomplish anything! So frustrating! Good for you all for working so hard and for trying to control your weight with fibromyalgia. If…
  • Some medications will really make you gain a ton of weight. I was on Nerontin for a few years and BAMN I gained like 40lbs. Its brutal! Good job for all of you trying hard and working on tracking your food. If you need a cheerleader, or just someone to talk to feel free to add me. I totally get it! I'm sorry that you all…
  • Hey ya'll. I too have fibromyalgia and it totally blows. Good work for trying to fight it! I commend all of you! I haven't tried the Body By Vi shakes but I do drink Shakology everyday and while it doesn't have any affect on my pain, it really helps with my energy levels by a lot! If anyone needs someone to talk to or…