v2embee Member


  • A slow cooker (crock pot) is probably something you might like then? Zero cooking skills required. You just have to cut your ingredients and chuck 'em in. My ideal balanced diet would include: 1 x palm sized protein (e.g. chicken) 2 x above portion with veggies 1 x palm sized carbs (e.g. rice) Repeat for each meal.…
  • You can't spot reduce. If that's the first place you gained, it's the last place you'll lose. However, I would still do exercises that help improve your core strength-- they're important.. :-) Examples: Abdominal crunches, the bridge, single-leg abdominal press, segmental rotations, etc.
    in Belly Fat Comment by v2embee March 2012
  • Is this going to be your breakfast? :S ... One frozen banana, almond milk, a handful of spinach, and some ice cubes. Blend. Frozen berries, almond milk, ice cubes. Blend. You can add yoghurt if you want as well, but I don't know if it'd come out under 200 calories. If you're willing to go up a notch, I'd add PB to the…
  • I have my sugar quota set to 50g at the moment. That being said, I could really care less if I go over, so long as it is namely because of fruits and/or vegetables. You could always try making small substitutions (go for plain or unsweetened versions) though.
  • If you're having trouble meeting your calorie intake quota (and are honestly full from your current portions of food), try incorporating some healthy, but calorie-dense food items. Examples: avocado, peanut butter, almonds, walnuts, etc.
  • Rule #1: Don't go to pantry if stressed. If you're as good of a "rule follower" as you say you are, that should pretty much fix your problems. :9 Haha, but in all honesty, I find that during times of stress to either: (1) Quickly throw yourself into something that takes a lot of mental space (eg. work) (2) Exercise and go…
  • Canberra girl here! I'd like to think I'm a pretty positive person, and wouldn't mind being support buddies with you. Feel free to add me. I'd love to have more Aussies on my friends list. :-)
  • I take the time to support my friends with genuine care and concern. That means looking through their diaries and providing advice if they ask for it, encouraging and congratulating them on their successes or giving them support when real life issues come up. Not simply just saying "way to go!" whenever something of…
  • Pre-workout food choices depend on whether you plan on doing strength training or cardio. Strength training -- to build lean muscle, your body needs a readily available supply of protein for tissue repair. The more intense your workout is, the more protein you need. You'll want roughly 25% protein vs 75% carb from your…
  • Helloooo! 19 years old university student here, looking to drop about 30 pounds. I know that's about half of what your goal is, but I wouldn't mind being support buddies. :-) Cheers!
  • Put it in your smoothie. Makes it thick and filling. :-)
  • I actually see quite a bit of difference between the before and after, though you look gorgeous in both. Kind of not a body-related comment, but I'm really quite jealous of your smile. :9 Keep up with the fantastic work!
  • Canberra during the academic year (ANU), and Sydney during the holidays. :-)
    in Australia? Comment by v2embee March 2012
  • Melbourneeee! Hopefully I get to go there during my mid-semester break! Lean and clean is the way to go; good luck! :-)
  • Mash up a banana and freeze it. :-) I tend to add either cocoa powder chips in mine or almonds in mine.
  • Loooove zucchini and pizza; what a great way to combine both. I'll definitely be trying this later. Thanks! :-)
  • Oats with almond milk and a banana? You could actually turn this into a smoothie if you cooked your oats the night before and chilled it in the fridge for the morning of. Just add in a bit of yoghurt, ice and almond milk for your desired consistency. Even a dab of peanut butter would be lovely in it. :9
  • Pre-workout food choices depend on whether you plan on doing strength training or cardio. Strength training -- to build lean muscle, your body needs a readily available supply of protein for tissue repair. The more intense your workout is, the more protein you need. You'll want roughly 25% protein vs 75% carb from your…
  • Your diet from what I gather is relatively clean, so perhaps it's your exercise regime that needs changing? Try doing some other exercises that will CHALLENGE your body; eg. do lunges with weights, etc. Your body is hitting a plateau likely because it is use to the exercises you are doing. If you're still keen on looking…
  • I definitely have a sweet tooth, but I've found discovered plenty of ways around it -- it's just a matter of preparing it ahead of time so I don't take the easy route .. towards a vending machine. Try mashing up a banana, throwing in some dark chocolate chips, and freezing it. :) I'll add you as a buddy, and hopefully we…
  • Hey there. 19, and just starting again after a LONG fall off the wagon. We can be buddies :) ps. I find mashed up, frozen bananas with cocoa powder chips in them is quite a yummy, sugar fix.