

  • Hello Milwaukee, Looking to get this city back on track, so if you still log in, let me know if you still on track, where your running routes are, I need a change of running scene. Also I'm training for Mud runs and 10k-1/2 marathons looking for running partners.
  • My wife and i signed up and would love to get on the team... we should be available on saturdays some time... just let me know and i'll do everything i can to be there. we are in the franklin area
  • I would recommend looking into the mud runs also, i just ran the gladiator assault in wisconsin, and i was seriously surprised. I had been training for 5k's and other thing for half a month before that but the ideal behind the competition as well as finding someone there who you feel is faster than you and trying to stick…
  • I'm In is it team based or individual based, regardless ill def join it and it'd be nice if it is a team thing to meet other MFPers
  • Hello in my 1st year as well, and I let people support of me looking good over weight what the scale said i was putting on 30+ lbs later i decided that wasn't going to cut it any more so i set my goal of 30lbs and toning up by july, and getting a blender and omelet making materials has really worked the best, nothing like…
  • The inability to see change in one's self is actually quite a common psyche related issue, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, I hope that your view of yourself is not that extreme, do you see and admit the change in your apperance, or do you literally see the old you, if you see the old you, then i would recommend psych help... i…
  • I lost the motivation i had to stay in shape. Growing up i was always in sports and outdoors active non-stop. After high school there was no real change i joined the military- reserves. That is when i think i lost my motivation, every always saying you look great what do you need to work out for. Knowing that I took in way…
  • Names Brandon... Freshman, Pre-med/Bio-Science Major... At university of wisconsin-Milwaukee. I'm a husband and a dad so between work, homework, family time, i work out however i can. P-90X, running, early morning at the university gym. Whatever it takes. Unfortunately food is my down fall love the taste of it can't get…
  • hey, i'm new as well feel free to add me always good to have more motivation
  • not really i've looked up a work out routine, but for now i'm doing the more calories burned than in routine. do you have any recommendations. i do want to avoid the starvation mode though. I will have to look more into it to understand it completely. I also want to have more protien and less carbs which is getting harder…
  • i am just trying to set little goals to start so i'm looking for a non-yo-yoing 15lbs and i'll go from there what are your goals