SmileyCaz Member


  • Hello, I've been on a few weeks too and recently befriended quite a few people to share the good and bad days with, friend request sent, i'm happy to help when needed! Good luck reaching your goal. C.
  • Hi All, I did suffer from the PCOS very badly until recently. I was on Metformin for over a year, In the 1st 6 months with dieting it helped me shift the weight I needed to. The pounds slowly crept back on when I came of the diet but I stayed at a weight I was happy with. My PCOS syndromes vanished and I was told I could…
  • Hello! I have been doing this since yesterday too! I've already been feeling like I want to gorge on chocolate all night long but the calorie checker has really helped! For motivation I just think of Kate moss's famous saying "Nothing tastes as good as being thin!" Good Luck to everyone! Caz