I didn't say it didn't matter because it didn't happen to me, YOU read that into what I said. But please don't twist my words. What I did say was it's not up to me to judge him. And ultimately it's not my judgement call.
Who am I to judge Chris Brown? He did nothing to me. Only people who know what went down is Chris Brown and Rihanna, and quite frankly I think the truth lies somewhere between her version and his version. It's not up to me to judge, that's between the two of them.
Quite honestly he doesn't need my forgivness. It's not for me to judge what he did, or didn't do. See the only people know what went down is the two people that were there and those are the only ones who really need to worry about it. If he did (and yes I said if), since she seems to have forgiven, who am I to say…