bdart Member


  • Personally, i'm huge on Whey Protein shakes... one scoop for most brands are 120 cals. On their own can tide you over for a bit till your next meal or make a more complex smoothie in a blender with fresh or frozen banana/berries... Low fat yogurt and flax seed (2 TBS) helps to fill you up
  • use a camelback bottle w/ straw... it's easy to get in the 8 cups... i usually get mine in by noon. I just dont like going to the washroom to pee every hour!
  • When I first started to lose weight i'd just get up at 5am in the dead of winter (very cold in Barrie) and go for a 5K to start my day.. nothing before aside from a glass of water and maybe a quick granola bar I had to get out before my wife was out the door for work...not much choice. Havent ran in a while due to injury,…
  • Welcome! apparently I don't either... i hopped on and updated the first time since the winter.. 32 lbs later, lol.
    in New here! Comment by bdart November 2012
  • I use whatever is most comfortable, but that happens to be smaller pair of shorts that have compression shorts built in. dont care about anyone else..If you dont mind that, there's a brand here called 'Matrix' that seems to work for me. You may be able to grab a pair online from a canadian store.