bskts4ver Member


  • One of our favorites is "Bottle Shock" with Chris Pine, Alan Rickman, Bill Pullman about the 1976 International Wine Invitational that put Napa on the wine map. It's really good!
  • I still use my Fitbit One that I've had for years, but the new Fitbit Blaze has piqued my interest. I don't wear bracelets, but I could handle a watch and the price point isn't bad for what it does. Today is Yoga with a light walk later and for lunch I had a Blimpie's sandwich that was really filling for 390 calories and I…
  • After a dismal start yesterday and dismal because I caved regarding a piece of Turtle Pie that I ate for dessert last was much better! I did make it to the gym both yesterday and today. Yesterday, I did a 2 mile walk on the indoor track and today, I walked for 1.5 miles and then did a 45 minute water boot…
  • Had my last deep fat fried breaded tenderloin sandwich until this summer.......I start tomorrow....30 pounds by the end of June. Beside de-Christmasing my house today, I also did a quick purge of our pantry and refrigerator and I'm currently watching football and putting together our weekly grocery shopping list.
  • I hope you find it helpful. The author used to be on that organizing show on TLC called "Clean Sweep" and I always loved his approach to helping the homeowner de-clutter, he was firm but kind in helping them realize the problem and come up with a solution. Kristina
  • I also wanted to chime in about the book I've seen mentioned in this discussion "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up"....I'm a VERY organized person with a well organized home (well, there is always room for improvement) and I love reading organization books, so I bought it, but I'm going to be honest and say that I…
  • I am in a suburb of Des Moines. :) Glad to see that Iowa is well represented.
  • Newbie here but definitely need to find a supportive group of women to help with my goals. I normally don't set New Years resolutions but this year because I'm struggling with a few things, I decided to make a few of them. I retired 15 months ago and am still trying to find my new normal after 30 years at my job. * Track…
  • Right now I'm at 215 and at my age, my doctor said it I could get to 175, he'd be happy. I'll be happy at 165. 165 will get me into a size 10. I doubt that I'll ever get back to where I was at age 25 (135 pounds) and I'm not sure that at this point in my life, I'm willing to restrict my food to do it. I just want to get…
  • Thanks Laura! It seems like this site has everything that I'll need and I love that it is FREE!:smile:
  • Hi, my name is Kristina and I'm 51 years young, but need to lose 40 pounds. 50 would be better, but my doctor says 40 is adequate to get me back in healthy ranges. I'm 5'11" and can carry more weight than someone shorter, but I'm still overweight. I quit smoking cold turkey 6 years ago and have slowly but surely put on…
  • New to My Fitness Pal, but after perusing the site, it looks to be a good one! I'm already pretty active, but unfortunately it's not translating into weight loss. I've lost some inches since getting serious about my workout, but the scale isn't showing results I would like. Now, I need to work on the diet. My biggest…