

  • Good Job! This is one of my downfalls too, and it doesn't help that I am a bartender LOL
  • I know how you are feeling. I find that if I eat in the morning, like they suggest, I end up hungry soon after and typically end up eating more throughout the day. I have arthritis too and find that the elliptical is the best exercise for my tired joints LOL. I think it's ok to work out without having breakfast. As long as…
  • I agree with the other posts. Weigh in the morning, after going to the bathroom and before you eat or drink anything. Muscle does make a huge difference if you are working out. And don't forget we women like to retain water at times! If you get frustrated with the scale . . quit weighing yourself and go by how your clothes…
  • I guess it depends on what you are cutting out of your diet. I personally am just trying to eat healthier and go low calorie/low fat. (Which I havent been sticking to like I should LOL). I love Lean Cuisine . . I think eating those helps so you arent eating the same tired stuff day after day! And the panini sandwiches ROCK