

  • Hi and welcome! I've never seen the video, where is it located on the site? I didn't think anything was "off limits" I love this site and was turned on to it by my son, who lost over 40 pounds. I also would like to lose about 100 lbs, I have a couple of things coming up that I would like to look good in the pictures. I…
  • I also have an outdoor wedding tomorrow. I am planning on black pants and a colorful top. I'm going with flats or sandals, (not sure yet) but people have the right idea and it took me awhile to feel this way, people will be looking at the happy couple not us. I also don't wear dresses because I feel they don't look good,…
  • Right now I'm craving a grilled cheese and bacon! But alas it's only a dream until I lose a little more. But thanks for the memory! :)
  • My son found it , and he lost 40 pounds and I decided to try it. I got two friends and a relative to start and we are all doing great on it! You know I never asked how he found it. Now I'm curious.
  • What a great mix of people! I'm from Cranford, New Jersey.
  • I never thought I would love Greek Yogurt, but I am a fan now!
  • Hi and welcome! This is a great site! I have tried them all (Weight Watchers, Leanline and do it yourself) but the support you get from the community here is what makes MFP the best. I have never lost so much weight. Please add me, I am on everyday and know what it's like to be a comfort food junkie. :) Good Luck! I know…
  • This is the best reply I know! Keep up the good work and it sounds like you are raising a great kid! Kudos to him too!
  • Yum! Can't wait to try!