

  • Like you I find I am having the same problem. However,my protein intake seems to consistantly be higher than suggested. I have considered. increasing my protien consumption considerably, because protien is suppose to reduce hunger and build muscle..I currently am working out at least 3 times and many time more a…
  • i'm really new to this. What is a Polar FT4. and how much are they?
  • Hello, i am new to this. My name is Melissa...Once upon a time I weighted 127 and was a size 7. Now I'm...well...some how I'm in a 10/12 and I weigh a lot more. I've been working out and dieting. My goal is a size 8. The last time I got to a size 8 i belive I weighted around 145 lbs. It must be all distributed differently…
    in HI Comment by 601creekhouse August 2010
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