katefor3 Member


  • Wow Wow WOW!!! Great job! =) I cannot wait till the day I make it to that 1 number... So happy for you! =)
  • You are going to love this site!!! Its incredibly easy to use, fast and if you check out the success stories, trust me, You will be inspired FOREVER! I have been particularly amazed at the number of people willing to take the time to write back to complete strangers!!! I've been so fortunate that I feel the need to do the…
  • Depends on the day. Some days I eat into those calories, while others I dont even eat the full allotted total... Also, I dunno about you guys, but I tend to Overestimate the portions when entering the information, so I probably have some calories to give and take as it is... Its not an exact science after all! =)
  • That is Awesome!!!! SO happy for you! =)
  • I know how you feel, often times people say things and they dont even realize what Exactly they are saying and what their words Mean! I get alot of this from family members myself. Most of my friends are in the same boat as me, but I have had a friend Discourage me from losing weight while she herself is at least 50 lbs…
  • This would be my first post... I have only been on this site for a little while, but am so impressed by everyone on here. The numbers are just astonishing and Oh so inspiring!!! Thank you all for sharing so much! Here's my little two cents on my final straw, although it was more an inspiration then a straw. I met a friend…