bsexton3 Member


  • Like everything else, it is a tool that can help or you can use it to cheat. Working in an office, one thing I like is the hourly reminder to get up and walk. I've had mine for three years, and still wear it everyday. And once in a while, it will motivate me to take and evening walk. But, as a weight lose tool, it is just…
  • And I am one that nothing seems to change my numbers but medication. I lost 50 pounds and the numbers stayed exactly the same.
  • Enjoy the ride. How are you liking it?
  • My doctor recently told me that weight lose is 90% diet. Too often we eat extra after exercise feeling we have earned it. But, we haven't exercised enough to earn it. This summer, I rode my bike more than any summer in the past 10 years, and gained 10 pounds. That was his reasoning. I must agree. Since going back to…
  • Mine happened climbing a hill out of Loch Lomond about 8 years ago. It was my second day of biking with full packs after landing from America. I would spend five full weeks on that bike. Anyway, I was going up a long gravel hill very slowly. I was clipped in, and noticed a picture I wanted to take. As I braked, and tried…
  • Hope you get better soon and they get the medicine correct. And, I had decided to try and keep pace with you in this challenge, since you were way ahead of me in the last one. Hope you can ride soon.
  • I'm in. My goal is to finish better than 18th.
  • Worked too quick with my ride today. By the time I got to cycleagues, both devices had recorded. Thanks to Mark for telling me to go to rides to delete one of them.
  • I have no complaints with the programming. I really enjoy seeing the challenge. It has gotten me to die a couple more times than I would have. If only the top rider didn't get so many miles. Actually, I am quite impressed you have time to ride so many miles and still volunteer your time for programming. Thank you for your…
  • When I bought my last bike, I told the LBS that I wanted a bike that went fast. The owner told me to lose 30 pounds. I would do more than any bike. And, he was right. I did get new shoes this week that fit better and my speed has improved. But, I will never call myself fast.
  • From what you have, you stopped for 6 minutes and hit "stop" or the auto pause noticed you were stopped. The 2 minutes is when you paused but it was not considered stop. I have auto pause off. I get this difference in time and moving time when I stop at a light or sign and do not hit "stop."
  • I'm in and riding about 75 miles a week.
  • I am someone who does not have the time to spend on a bike. A good month is 300 miles. So, training for 100 miles means changing my priorities and getting seat time in the saddle. This means I cut other things, but some things cannot be cut. So, finding a plan put a commitment level in. Slowly building up seat time, riding…
  • Giro Challenge Entries for Rider 315 Team PIE Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL h:mm:ss ==================================================================================== 1 06/05 DNR km __:__:__ ____m ________ ___________________________ 2 07/05 155.2 km 7:19:45 1,141m…
  • Giro Challenge Entries for Rider 315 Team PIE Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL h:mm:ss ==================================================================================== 1 06/05 DNR km __:__:__ ____m ________ ___________________________ 2 07/05 155.2 km 7:19:45 1,141m…
  • Giro Challenge Entries for Rider 315 Team PIE Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL h:mm:ss ==================================================================================== 1 06/05 DNR km __:__:__ ____m ________ ___________________________ 2 07/05 155.2 km 7:19:45 1,141m…
  • denvers--enjoy the ride. I road a century two weeks ago without much training. The 50-70 miles were the worst with a head wind. Then, yesterday, I rode 42 miles with about 1/2 a stronger head wind. I felt worse yesterday than I did two weeks ago. Part of that might have been water and eating. On the century, I made sure I…
  • Giro Challenge Entries for Rider 315 Team PIE Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL h:mm:ss ==================================================================================== 1 06/05 DNR km __:__:__ ____m ________ ___________________________ 2 07/05 155.2 km 7:19:45 1,141m…
  • On our honeymoon, we cycled on Vancouver Island. I cycled RedSpoke a few years ago which goes on Hwy 2. This is one place on my list to spend some time cycling. Any suggestions on routes would be appreciated.
  • 20 years ago, I had daily pain, and the doctor told me to lose weight to delay a knee surgery. technology would be better in 20 years. I lost 75 pounds and haven't had pain again until a year ago. I am not far behind you on the knee replacement. Fortunately, I put it off until 54. Yet, had the pain not gone away, I would…
  • Giro Challenge Entries for Rider 315 Team PIE Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL h:mm:ss ==================================================================================== 1 06/05 DNR km __:__:__ ____m ________ ___________________________ 2 07/05 155.2 km 7:19:45 1,141m…
  • Giro Challenge Entries for Rider 315 Team PIE Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL h:mm:ss ==================================================================================== 1 06/05 DNR km __:__:__ ____m ________ ___________________________ 2 07/05 155.2 km 7:19:45 1,141m…
  • Giro Challenge Entries for Rider 315 Team PIE Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL h:mm:ss ==================================================================================== 1 06/05 DNR km __:__:__ ____m ________ ___________________________ 2 07/05 155.2 km 7:19:45 1,141m…
  • Giro Challenge Entries for Rider 315 Team PIE Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL h:mm:ss ==================================================================================== 1 06/05 DNR km 2 07/05 155.2 km 7:19:45 1,141m 3 08/05 42.2 km 1:26:10 397m…
  • Giro Challenge Entries for Rider 315 Team PIE Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL h:mm:ss ==================================================================================== 1 06/05 DNS km __:__:__ ____m ________ ___________________________ 2 07/05 155.2 km 7:19:45 1,141m…
  • Haven't been there since my honeymoon on the way to Victoria BC. Wonderful place. Looks like you missed the fire area.
  • Training tip #1: train. I was training for a century and Feb. & March went well according to plan. April was two weddings, week long conference and only 65 miles all month. The century killed me today. But, at 53, to not train well and still finish is an accomplishment.
  • Giro Challenge Entries for Rider 315 Team PIE Stage Date Distance Time Ascent(m) Ride Log URL h:mm:ss ==================================================================================== 1 06/05 DNS km __:__:__ ____m ________ ___________________________ 2 07/05 155.2 km 7:19:45 m 1,141…
  • My contribution number will be around 160KM per week. My strava is
  • If you need another, count me in. I have a garmin, but have never used Strava.